Dublin's First Bike Library

Bike Library is fighting climate change and democratising cycling.

a cartoon of a man and a woman talking to each other



We're not just lending bikes; we're on a mission to revolutionise the way families in Dublin get around and contribute to a greener future.

Cycling shouldn't be a privilege, but a right for everyone. We want everyone to enjoy the freedom and eco-friendly benefits of two-wheeled travel.

Every pedal push reduces greenhouse gas emissions, making our air cleaner and our cities healthier. By choosing sustainable transportation options, we're collectively taking strides towards a cleaner, cooler planet.

a man sitting at a table in front of a buildinga pair of star shaped objects on a white background

meet the founder

I believe the only way to act on wicked challenges such as climate change and provide long-term sustainable solutions is to have citizens at the centre of the solution itself

Dr Francesco Pilla,
Full Professor of Smart and Sustainable Cities

a drawing of a bike with a dog in the back

Join us in this climate-saving adventure

Borrow a bike, leave the car behind, and let's pedal together towards a greener and healthier future.
Bike Library is where climate action meets family fun, and it all starts with you!
